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- タギト アルジェリアツアー | Welcome to Algeria
タギト タギトツアーとは : この素晴らしく魅力的なツアーでは、最も美しいアルジェリアのタギト砂漠を知るだけでなく、遠い過去に飛び込んで、考古学的な風景の岩石線画や岩絵、そしてグランドエルグオクシデンタル(the Grand Erg Occidental:砂漠地域)を探索していきます。古い村落を探検し、ヤシの木立の中を歩き、四輪に乗って風光明媚な夕日を眺めます。 旅程 : ガイドと待ち合わせ 朝食後10:00にホテルのロビーでガイドと待ち合わせ 岩石線画を発見しよう 興味深く歴史的な岩石線画を発見するためにドライブに出かけます。これは本物の古代のアートギャラリーで、写真にはカモシカ、ダチョウ、キリン、馬、象などの個々の動物が岩の上に描かれています。これらの彫刻は、長い年月を通して消え去った人々によって残された不可解なメッセージです。 サハラでのトレッキング 人里から離れた地を進み、砂丘を踏みしめ、グランドエルグオクシデンタルを訪れます。 ここからはトレッキングをしたり、周辺を散歩したりできます。この素晴らしいトレッキングアドベンチャーは、道路も人も音もない世界最大の砂漠へとあなたを誘います。爽やかで解放的な特別な時間となるでしょう。 ランチタイム ランチタイムのため休憩をとります。オアシスで伝統料理を楽しみます。 村落を訪れます ヤシの木立を見下ろす岩だらけの台地に建てられた11世紀の古い村落を探検しましょう。 ヤシの木だちの中を散歩 グランドエルグオキシデンタルのもう一方の端につながっている豊かな植生と雄大なナツメヤシの本拠地であるタギトのヤシの木立を散策しに行きます。 巨大な砂丘に登り夕日を堪能、バイク体験 三日月形の砂丘に登り、美しい夕日を眺めてツアーを終了します。 バイク好きの方のためにバイクを借りて(オプションになります)、広大な砂漠でアドレナリンを放出しエキサイティングな時間を過ごすことができます。忘れてはならない魔法の瞬間となります。 ホテルに戻ります ツアー後ホテルに戻り、一晩そこに滞在します。 持っていくと良いもの : 歩きやすい靴 日焼け止め 動きやすい服 日差し避けのための帽子 サングラス 日光や砂から顔周りを守る長めのスカーフ 含まれているもの : ビザ取得サポート、招待状 専門の英語話者ガイ ド ツアー中のすべての移動 飲料水 価格 120€ ご予約やご質問は にお気軽にご連絡ください。
- ティミムン アルジェリアツアー | Fancyellow Algeria
€120 / 7- 8hrs 予約する ティミムン 旅程 ティミムンについて フォトギャラリー TIMIMOUN 1 TIMIMOUN 2 TIMIMOUN 3 TIMIMOUN 4 ティミムン The Red Oasis of the Sahara ティミムンについて ティミムン について ティミムンはサハラ砂漠の真ん中、アルジェリア中部の西グランドエルグ(the Western Grand Erg)と呼ばれるサハラのベルベル文化が根付く、巨大な砂丘地域の端に位置しています。 明るい黄土色の建物で有名な、広大な絵画のような赤いオアシスです。 オレンジ色の砂、赤い村、古代の要塞、緑色のヤシの木、キャラバンでこのとても生き生きとした伝統を持つ色とりどりの地域を旅します。 町を歩いていると、ティミムンのメインストリートでロータリーとして機能する、一風変わった巣箱のような構造に心を打たれるでしょう。 旅程 旅程 After breakfast, you will meet your guide in the hotel's lobby at 10h00. Then we visit the beautiful and small village of Ighzer, a true fortress that has a fine Saharan architecture . We continue our visit and the discovery of the incredible Fougarra water distribution systems in the region of Ouled Said, return to the lodge for a traditional lunch. Have a circuit in 4 wheeled cars until the sunset where you are going to contemplate at the sundown to finally join our camp in Beni Aissi. Have the tasty Merdoum under the beautiful stars. Return to the lodge for a traditional Maghrabi evening 含まれているもの 価格 100€ ビザサポートと招待状 すべての移動 専門の英語話者ガイド すべての入場料 所要時間 : 7 〜 8 時間 ホテル: 3★, 4★, 5★ オプション 注意事項 この旅程は固定されたものではなく、選択することができます。皆様のリクエストにお応えして様々なプログラムを作ることができます。 ツアーは現地の状況に応じて変更することがございます。 Our Clients' Experience 1/1 フォトギャラリー
- 4泊5日 アルジェリア 旅行 | Fancyellow Travel Agency
best of algeria 4泊5日 trip お問い合わせ フルネーム Eメール お問い合わせ内容 送信 Thanks for submitting! 質問がありますか?! 何でもお問い合わせ下さい。 私たちは専門知識のあるチームです。 皆様のお手伝いをさせて下さい。 +213-542-840-682 注意事項: アルジェツアーは金曜日はできかねます 。 ローカルフライトの航空券は皆様のビザ取得確認後に予約します。その時点で飛行機が満席の場合は車での移動になる可能性があります。(返金はありません) 価格/1名様あたり -460€ -415€ (2名様参加時) -400€ (3名様参加時) 含まれているもの ・ツアーおよび英語ガイド ・ツアー中のすべての移動 (国内航空券、車) ・ホテル、空港への送迎 ・すべての入場料 ・招待状とビザサポート 行き先 アルジェ - コンスタンティーヌ - アルジェ - シェルシェル& ティパサ 詳細 1日目 アルジェ到着、空港からホテルまで送迎車で移動 ABC Hotel - Lamaraz Arts Hotel - El Aurassi Hotel - 2日目 チェックアウト アルジェベストツアー 旅程 コンスタンティーヌへ飛行機で移動 19h/20h ホテルへ移動 Ibis Hotel - Novotel Hotel- Protea Hotel - Marriott Hotel - 3日目 チェックアウト コンスタンティーヌツアー 旅程 アルジェへ飛行機で移動 4日目 シェルシェル&ティパサツアー 旅程 5日目 帰国 概要 5日間でアルジェリアを探索するプランをお探しですか? あなたの5日間の旅行プランに合わせてカスタマイズされたベストの旅程をご紹介します。 "White lady"と呼ばれ、象徴的な目的地の首都アルジェから向かいます。ここでは探索可能で面白い様々な場所を訪ねて行きます。そして"橋の町" と呼ばれるコンスタンティーヌに飛行機で移動します。 ホテルで一泊し、翌日コンスタンティーヌの街を観光してアルジェに飛行機で戻ります。 翌日、車でシェルシェルの国立美術館を訪問し、ティパサのローマ遺跡とマウレタニアの王の墓を訪ねます。 私たちが組む旅程はそれぞれの地域の重要な全ての地点を訪問できるようにつくられています。 また、観光、ショッピングやリラックスする時間も十分にあります。
- 5泊6日 アルジェリア 旅行| Fancyellow Travel Agency
best of algeria 5泊6日 trip お問い合わせ フルネーム Eメール お問い合わせ内容 送信 Thanks for submitting! 質問がありますか?! 何でもお問い合わせ下さい。 私たちは専門知識のあるチームです。 皆様のお手伝いをさせて下さい。 +213-542-840-682 注意事項: アルジェツアーは金曜日はできかねます 。 このツアーは1週間前までに予約が必要です。 ローカルフライトの航空券は皆様のビザ取得確認後に予約します。その時点で飛行機が満席の場合は車での移動になる可能性があります。(返金はありません) 価格/1名様あたり -560€ -515€ (2名様参加時) -500€ (3名様参加時) 含まれているもの ・ツアーおよび英語ガイド ・ツアー中のすべての移動 (国内航空券、車) ・ホテル、空港への送迎 ・すべての入場料 ・招待状とビザサポート 行き先 アルジェ - ジェミラ - コンスタンティーヌ - アルジェ - シェルシェル & ティパサ 詳細 1日目 アルジェ到着、空港からホテルまで送迎車で移動: ABC Hotel - Lamaraz Arts Hotel - El Aurassi Hotel - 2日目 Ibis Hotel - Novotel Hotel- Protea Hotel - Marriott Hotel - アルジェベストツアー 旅程 コンスタンティーヌへ飛行機移動 19h/20h ホテルへ送迎 3日目 ジェミラツアー 旅程 4日目 チェックアウト コンスタンティーヌツアー 旅程 アルジェへ飛行機で移動 5日目 シェルシェル&ティパサツアー 旅程 6日目 帰国 概要 6日間でアルジェリアを探索するプランをお探しですか? あなたの6日間の旅行プランに合わせてカスタマイズされたベストの旅程をご紹介します。 "White lady"と呼ばれ、象徴的な目的地の首都アルジェから向かいます。ここでは探索可能で面白い様々な場所を訪ねて行きます。その後コンスタンティーヌまで飛行機移動します。翌日、アルジェリアのベストローマ遺跡の一つであるジェミラまで車で行きます。その後、高速道路でコンスタンティーヌまで戻り、一晩そこに滞在します。次の日、"橋の街"と呼ばれコンスタンティーヌを一日探索しましょう。 同日アルジェに飛行機で戻ります。 翌日、車でシェルシェルの国立美術館を訪問し、ティパサのローマ遺跡とマウレタニアの王の墓を訪ねます。 私たちが組む旅程はそれぞれの地域の重要な全ての地点を訪問できるようにつくられています。 また、観光、ショッピングやリラックスする時間も十分にあります。
- Privacy Policy | Welcome to Algeria
Privacy Policy Fancyellow values your privacy and the protection of your personal data. This privacy policy describes what information we collect from you, how we collect it, how we use it, how we obtain your consent, how long we keep it in our databases and, if necessary, with whom we share it. By using the website and services, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy. Use of the website and services is also subject to our terms and conditions. In this privacy policy, the words "website" refers to the Fancyellow website, "we", "us", "our" and “Fancyellow” refers to Fancyellow Travel Services and "you" “customer” and “user" refers to you, the Fancyellow user or customer. This privacy policy may change from time to time. Your continued use of the website and services after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the policy periodically for updates. This privacy policy has been developed and is maintained in accordance with all applicable national and international laws and regulations. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION The personal data of the users that are collected and processed through the website: Will be under responsibility and in charge of: Fancyellow Travel Services. Email: 2. TYPES OF INFORMATION GATHERED The information we collect from our customers/users helps us to personalize and continually improve your website experience and provide our services. Here are the types of information we gather: Information You Give Us. You provide information when you use our website, purchase or make a reservation for a travel service (packages, tours, transfers, meals, flights, hotel reservations, transportation, etc.), and/or communicate with us through our contact information or our contact forms. As a result of those actions, you might supply us with the following information: Name Gender Date of birth Email address Phone number Street Address Any additional information relating to you that you provide to us directly or indirectly through our website and services. Fancyellow will not collect any personally identifiable information about you, unless you provide it. Information Collected Automatically: By accessing and using the website you automatically provide us with the following information: Your IP address Referring URLs If you access the website through a mobile phone, we will collect the following information: Mobile device ID IP address GOOGLE Analytics. We use Google Analytics provided by Google, Inc., USA (“Google”). These tool and technologies collect and analyze certain types of information, including IP addresses, device and software identifiers, referring and exit URLs, feature use metrics and statistics, media access control address (MAC Address), mobile unique device identifiers, and other similar information. The information generated by Google Analytics (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. We use the GOOGLE Analytics collection of data to enhance the platform and improve our service. Please consult Google's privacy policy here: Social Media: On our website you will find links and functions linked to different social media, in which you can share your information. It is advisable to consult the privacy policy and data protection of each social media used on our website. Facebook: Instagram: X (Twitter): Contact information: We may access some personal information about the user, such as name and email address, when the user or any third party communicates with us through our contact information. Personal information provided through our contact information is not stored on any Fancyellow server and will be stored on the respective server of our email service. 3. HOW LONG WE KEEP YOUR DATA Personal data provided by users through the website and services will be retained for as long as necessary to provide our services, fulfil the legitimate purposes described in this policy or until the user requests deletion of the data. Fancyellow may be allowed to retain personal data for a longer period whenever the user has given consent to such processing, as long as such consent is not withdrawn. Furthermore, Fancyellow may be obliged to retain personal data for a longer period whenever required to do so for the performance of a legal obligation or upon order of an authority. Once the retention period expires, personal data shall be deleted. Therefore, the right to access, the right to erasure, the right to rectification and the right to data portability cannot be enforced after expiration of the retention period. 4. HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION. In general, we use the information we collect primarily to provide, maintain, protect and improve our current website and services. We use personal information collected through our website as described below: Facilitate the purchase and booking of travel services (packages, tours, transfers, meals, flights, hotel reservations, transportation, etc.). Understand and enhance your experience using our website and services. Respond to your comments or questions through our contact information. Process cancellations and refunds. Send you related information, including confirmations, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts and support and administrative messages. Send you communications relating to Fancyellow and our services. Marketing purposes of Fancyellow. Link or combine your information with other information we get from third parties to help understand your needs and provide you with better service. Protect, investigate and deter against fraudulent, unauthorized or illegal activity. 5. HOW WE OBTAIN YOUR CONSENT By visiting the website, purchasing or booking travel services (packages, tours, transfers, meals, flights, hotel reservations, transportation, etc.), contacting us through our contact form or our contact information, and providing us with personal information so that we can contact you, you consent to our collection, storage and use of your information on the terms contained in this privacy policy. You may withdraw your consent by sending us your request via the contact information or the contact page. 6. HOW WE SHARE YOUR INFORMATION The personal information of our customers and users is an important and fundamental part of our business. Under no circumstances will we sell or share information with third parties that has not been previously authorized by the user, customer or owner of the personal data. We share user and customer information only and exclusively as described below. Travel Service Providers: By making a purchase or reservation through our services, the user accepts and understands that his/her personal data may be shared with third party travel providers involved in the provision of the requested service (hotels, airlines, restaurants, etc.). This communication is for the sole purpose of facilitating and finalizing the reservation or service requested by the user. We undertake to ensure that these third party travel providers respect the confidentiality of the information shared and use it only for purposes related to the reservation or service in question. Information shared through these providers will be processed in accordance with the privacy policies of the relevant travel service provider. Third-Party Service Providers. We use third-party services to perform certain functions on our website. For example: creating and hosting the website, sending emails, analyzing data (Google Analytics, TripAdvisor), displaying testimonials on the website (Trustpilot), providing marketing services and providing search results. These third-party services and tools may have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use that information for other purposes. Information shared with these third-party services will be treated and stored in accordance with their respective privacy policies and our privacy policy. Please refer to the privacy policy of these third-party services. Marketing: By using the website and engaging our services you consent to the use of your personal information, including name and email address for the sole purpose of sending you marketing communications about our services. Fans Right respects your privacy and does not share this information with unaffiliated third parties. If you wish to stop receiving marketing communications, you may unsubscribe at any time by using the "unsubscribe" option available in the same marketing emails or by submitting your request through our contact information. Business Transfers. In the event that Fancyellow creates, merges with, or is acquired by another entity or company, your information will likely be transferred. Fancyellow will send you an email or post a prominent notice on our platform before your information becomes subject to another privacy policy and the transfer and handling of your private information will comply with all applicable requirements. Protection of Fancyellow and others. We release personal information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce or apply our terms and conditions and other agreements, or protect the rights, property, or safety of Fancyellow, our users or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction. With Your Consent. Other than as set out above, you will receive notice when personally identifiable information about you might go to third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to share the information. Anonymous Information. Fancyellow uses the anonymous browsing information collected automatically by our servers primarily to help us administer and improve the Website. We may also use aggregated anonymous information to provide information about the Website to potential business partners and other unaffiliated entities. This information is not personally identifiable. 7. PROTECTING YOUR INFORMATION We restrict authorized access to your personal information to those persons who have a legitimate purpose to know that information and to those persons you have authorized to have access to that information. Fancyellow follows generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once Fancyellow receives it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, while Fancyellow strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. We will not sell, distribute, or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. 8. RIGHTS Users who provide information through our website, as data subjects and data owners, have the right to access, rectify, download or delete their information, as well as to restrict and object to certain processing of their information. While some of these rights apply generally, others apply only in certain limited circumstances. We describe these rights below: Access and portability: to access and know what information is stored in our servers, you can send us your request through our contact information. Rectify, Restrict, Limit and/or Delete: You can also rectify, restrict, limit or delete much of your information. Right to be informed: Users of our website will be informed, upon request, about what data we collect, how it is used, how long it is retained and whether it is shared with third parties. Object: When we process your information based on our legitimate interests as explained above, or in the public interest, you may object to this processing in certain circumstances. In such cases, we will stop processing your information unless we have compelling legitimate reasons to continue processing it or where it is necessary for legal reasons. Revoke consent: Where you have previously given your consent, such as to allow us to process and store your personal information, you have the right to revoke your consent to the processing and storage of your information at any time. For example, you may withdraw your consent by updating your settings. In certain cases, we may continue to process your information after you have withdrawn your consent if we have a legal basis for doing so or if your withdrawal of consent was limited to certain processing activities. Complaint: If you wish to file a complaint about our use of your information (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have), you have the right to do so with your local supervisory authority. Users can exercise all these rights by contacting us through the contact information or the contact page. Rights related to automated decision-making, including profiling: website users may request that we provide a copy of the automated processing activities we conduct if they believe that data is being unlawfully processed. Users or holders of personal data provided through the website and our services may exercise these rights over their personal data at any time and without limitation by sending their request through our contact information or contact form. The request to exercise their rights will be attended and answered within a maximum period of 10 working days. 9. DATA BREACH NOTIFICATIONS In the event of a security breach that compromises the confidentiality of our users' personal data, Fancyellow undertakes to notify those affected in a timely manner. This notification will be made through the means of contact that have been provided by the user on our platform. We will take all reasonable measures to protect the information and remedy any situation that jeopardizes the security of your data. 10. INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFER By using our services, you agree that your personal data may be transferred and processed outside your home country, where data protection legislation may differ from that of your country. Fancyellow is committed to taking the necessary steps to ensure that your data is treated in accordance with applicable privacy protection standards and is adequately protected during any international transfer. 11. CHILDREN’S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION We comply with national and international regulations regarding the protection of children's personal information. We do not collect information from children under the age of 13. If we learn that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will take immediate steps to delete that information. 12. THIRD PARTIES Except as otherwise expressly included in this privacy policy, this document addresses only the use and disclosure of information Fancyellow collects from you. If you disclose your information to others, whether other users or suppliers on Fancyellow, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the information you disclose to them. Fancyellow does not control the privacy policies of third parties, and you are subject to the privacy policies of those third parties where applicable. Fancyellow is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of other websites on the Internet, even those linked to or from the Fancyellow website. ease review the privacy policies of third-party websites or services that you access through the Fancyellow website. 13. CONTACT US If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy and the handling and security of your data, please contact us through our contact forms or by using the contact information below: Fancyellow Travel Services. Email: Download Privacy Policy
- Blog | Welcome to Algeria
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